Welcome to Pipunculidae
Welcome to Pipuculidae Central. This goal of this site is to collect and organize data on the World’s big-headed flies. The intent of the site is to organize and coordinate the presentation of all information on these flies. This will include, but not be limited to information on literature, biology, phylogeny, molecular data, collection data, identification, images and nomenclature. If you have anything to contribute, please contact the site manager to establish a password.
Recent Pages
jskevington - 2007-04-20
Welcome to the site for big-headed fly discussions.
jskevington - 2007-04-20
<This page should display a full description about the site.
Recently Added Literature
jskevington - 2009-09-08
jskevington - 2009-09-08
jskevington - 2009-09-08